Changes between Version 75 and Version 76 of ReleaseNotes

08.12.2013 18:13:54 (11 years ago)

4.1.3 release notes, pt. 2


  • ReleaseNotes

    v75 v76  
    1313New features: 
     14* The Apache Felix Gogo is included. That means you can e.g. start and stop DeepaMehta plugins, and even install new ones without restarting DeepaMehta. 
    1516GUI improvements: 
    1617* Topicmap Panel: 
    17     * New look & feel through Box Renderer module (#577). 
     18    * ### New look & feel through Box Renderer module (#577). 
     19    * In various situations a proper cursor shape is shown: While something is moved a grabbing hand cursor is shown. While an association is drawn a crosshair cursor is shown (#552).  
    1820    * When clicking the logged in username (upper/right corner) and the respective User Account topic is already contained in the topicmap but outside the viewport, the topicmap is translated to bring the revealed User Account into view (#570). 
    1921* Detail Panel: 
     22    * ### In lists redundant topics are suppressed ### Reveal via upper area (#315). 
    2023    * In the detail panel's "related topic" lists: when the topic is contained in the current topicmap its icon is surrounded by a thin red line (instead of dimming it). When such an icon is clicked the respective association is revealed (in case it was hidden) and the topicmap is translated to bring the topic into the viewport (in case it was outside the viewport) (#579). 
    2124    * Long words (like file names) are line-breaked. No horizontal scrollbar appears in the detail panel (#537, #575). 
    2225    * Long topic labels in the detail panel's "related topic" lists are not truncated anymore. Formerly there was a limit of 50 characters (#315). 
     26* Menus: 
     27    * ###. 
     28* Toolbar: 
     29    * In the toolbar, beside the Create menu, there is a "Create Note instantly" button. It can be triggered via Alt-n. The button creates a Note topic instantly (#529). 
    2431General improvements: 
    2734Plugin Development Framework: 
     35    * The Webclient (actually the RESTClient) automatically processes directives sent by a plugin service. So a plugin resource method can return directives now. They are processed at client-side automatically (#556). 
     36    * The DeepaMehta Core thoroughly uses Lists instead of Sets. One advantage is better performance (#559). 
    2837    * When calling a `CompositeValue` manipulator method (`set()`, `setRef()`, `remove()`) the passed set of Directives is extended by a UPDATE_TOPIC resp. UPDATE_ASSOCIATION directive (#576). 
    2938    * Core API Type interface: `setDataTypeUri()` has a `directives` parameter (#576). 
    3039    * Core API Type interface: `setLabelConfig()` has a `directives` parameter (#576). 
    3140    * Core API: there is a new model class: `de.deepamehta.core.model.TopicReferenceModel`: A reference to a topic, either by ID, or by URI (#574). 
     41    * Extended server-side Topicmaps API (#544). 
     42    * Webclient Renderer Framework: The `page_model` objects passed to a detail panel renderer (simple renderer or multi renderer) have an additional property: `parent` -- the parent page model (#567). 
     43    * 3rd-party plugins must no longer declare a `deepamehta-core` dependency. 
    3345Bug fixes: 
    3446* When updating an aggregated composite no error occurs (#574). 
     47* Changed Person data is saved properly also if its Address can't be resolved (via Google Geocoder) (#565). 
     48* Topicmaps keep URI when translated (#311). 
    3549* Sync view on file upload: Once an upload is complete the new file appears in the page panel immediately (#563). 
    3650* Sync view on type change (#576). 
    3751    * When changing the "Include in Label" setting in a type form while the respective association definition is visible on the canvas, the association label on the canvas is updated (#564). 
    3852    * When changing a type's data type in a type form while the former data type and the association are visible on the canvas, the association disappears. 
     53* File content renderer works when embedded in parent topic (#566). 
    4055Further changes: 
     56* The overall Webclient style is flat. There are no gradients in buttons, menu items, dialog titles etc. (#532). 
    4157* The "success" alertbox after a file upload is gone (#563). 
    4258* The markup generated by `dm4c.render.topic_list()` contains no <table> anymore (#575). 
     59* The RESTClient no longer depends on the Webclient (#557). 