Changes between Version 78 and Version 79 of ReleaseNotes

09.12.2013 01:41:14 (11 years ago)

4.1.3 release notes, pt. 5


  • ReleaseNotes

    v78 v79  
    5454    * DeepaMehtaObject API has a method to fetch child topics selectively (#522). 
    5555    * Extended server-side Topicmaps API (#544). 
     56    * The JAX-RS Exception Mapper maps errors as well (not just RuntimeExceptions) (#484). 
    5657    * Client-Side Plugin Framework: plugins can add icons and disabled items to the topic/association/canvas context menus (#529). 
    5758    * GUI Toolkit: disabled items can be added to menus (#529). 
    6061    * New client-side event: `association_doubleclicked ` (#530). 
    6162    * Webclient Renderer Framework: The `page_model` objects passed to a detail panel renderer (simple renderer or multi renderer) have an additional property: `parent` -- the parent page model (#567). 
     63    * 2 new init events enable interwoven plugin initialization: `init_2` and `init_3` (#518). 
    6264    * 3rd-party plugins must no longer declare a `deepamehta-core` dependency. 
    6971* A serialized topicmap contains the association values (#531). 
    7072* The main toolbar's menus reveal all their items without scrolling (#534). 
     73* On a Mac where ctrl-click emulates the right mouse button: when invoking an association's context menu via ctrl-click the respective topic cluster does not stick to the mouse pointer (#517). 
    7174* The canvas context menus do scroll when invoked near screen bottom (#534). 
    7275* Sync view on file upload: Once an upload is complete the new file appears in the page panel immediately (#563). 
     76* Sync view on topic retype (#508). 
    7377* Sync view on type change (#576). 
    7478    * When changing the "Include in Label" setting in a type form while the respective association definition is visible on the canvas, the association label on the canvas is updated (#564). 
    7680* No accidental browser window scrollbars appear (#543). 
    7781* File content renderer works when embedded in parent topic (#566). 
     82* Various client-side topicmap management oddities are fixed, e.g. after deleting a topicmap the selector does not show 2 "untitled" topicmaps (#520). 
    7984Further changes: 
    8388* The RESTClient no longer depends on the Webclient (#557). 
    8489* The GUIToolkit menus and context menus rely on the jQuery UI Menu widget (#532). 
     90* Updates (#507): 
     91    * jQuery 1.7.2 -> 2.0.3 
     92    * jQuery UI 1.8.21 -> 1.10.3 