Changes between Version 79 and Version 80 of ReleaseNotes

09.12.2013 14:30:13 (11 years ago)

4.1.3 release notes, revision 1


  • ReleaseNotes

    v79 v80  
    4747Plugin Development Framework: 
    48     * The Webclient (actually the RESTClient) automatically processes directives sent by a plugin service. So a plugin resource method can return directives now. They are processed at client-side automatically (#556). 
    49     * The DeepaMehta Core thoroughly uses Lists instead of Sets. One advantage is better performance (#559). 
    50     * When calling a `CompositeValue` manipulator method (`set()`, `setRef()`, `remove()`) the passed set of Directives is extended by a UPDATE_TOPIC resp. UPDATE_ASSOCIATION directive (#576). 
    51     * Core API Type interface: `setDataTypeUri()` has a `directives` parameter (#576). 
    52     * Core API Type interface: `setLabelConfig()` has a `directives` parameter (#576). 
     48    * More data binding (automatic sync'ing of DB and topicmap view): 
     49        * The RESTful plugin methods can return `Directives` now. They are automatically processed by the Webclient (#556). 
     50        * The `CompositeValue`'s manipulator methods (`set()`, `setRef()`, `remove()`) extend the passed `Directives` (by a UPDATE_TOPIC resp. UPDATE_ASSOCIATION directive) (#576). 
     51        * Core API `Type` interface: `setDataTypeUri()` and `setLabelConfig()` take a `directives` parameter (#576). 
     52    * The DeepaMehta Core thoroughly uses `Lists` instead of `Sets`. One advantage is better performance (#559). 
    5353    * Core API: there is a new model class: `de.deepamehta.core.model.TopicReferenceModel`: A reference to a topic, either by ID, or by URI (#574). 
    54     * DeepaMehtaObject API has a method to fetch child topics selectively (#522). 
     54    * Core API: `DeepaMehtaObject` has a method to fetch child topics selectively: `loadChildTopics()` (#522). This is particularly useful in conjunction with a Viewmodel Customizer (#505). 
    5555    * Extended server-side Topicmaps API (#544). 
    56     * The JAX-RS Exception Mapper maps errors as well (not just RuntimeExceptions) (#484). 
    57     * Client-Side Plugin Framework: plugins can add icons and disabled items to the topic/association/canvas context menus (#529). 
    58     * GUI Toolkit: disabled items can be added to menus (#529). 
    59     * DM's GUITookit now supports context menus (#532). 
    60     * New client-side event: `pre_submit_form` (#547). 
    61     * New client-side event: `association_doubleclicked ` (#530). 
    62     * Webclient Renderer Framework: The `page_model` objects passed to a detail panel renderer (simple renderer or multi renderer) have an additional property: `parent` -- the parent page model (#567). 
    63     * 2 new init events enable interwoven plugin initialization: `init_2` and `init_3` (#518). 
    64     * 3rd-party plugins must no longer declare a `deepamehta-core` dependency. 
     56    * Client-side: 
     57        * Plugins can add icons and disabled items to the topic/association/canvas context menus (#529). 
     58        * DeepaMehta GUI Toolkit: 
     59            * Support for context menus (#532). 
     60            * Disabled items can be added to menus (#529). 
     61        * 2 new client-side events: 
     62            * `pre_submit_form` (#547). 
     63            * `association_doubleclicked ` (#530). 
     64        * Support for more complex Detail Panel renderers: a Simple Renderer or Multi Renderer can navigate to the parent page model (#567). 
     65        * Interwoven plugin initialization: 2 new init events `init_2` and `init_3` (#518). 
     66    * The JAX-RS Exception Mapper also maps checked exceptions and errors (#484). 
     67    * 3rd-party plugins must no longer declare a `deepamehta-core` dependency [0546cfef]. 
    6669Bug fixes: