Changes between Version 85 and Version 86 of ReleaseNotes

21.12.2013 18:15:32 (11 years ago)



  • ReleaseNotes

    v85 v86  
    2121    * Intercept event handling and provide custom interactions/gestures. 
    2222    * Extend the topicmap view model with per-topic custom properties (e.g. color, shape). 
    23     * While loading a topicmap from DB: partially load topic ''content'' to be rendered in the topicmap. 
    24 * The Webclient supports complex data models, namely "Aggregated Composites". Such complex topic/association instances can be edited via Detail Panel (#337, #30). 
    25 * The Apache Felix Gogo Shell is included. That enables you to e.g. start and stop !DeepaMehta plugins, and even install new plugins without restarting !DeepaMehta. 
     23    * While loading a topicmap from DB: selectively load topic ''content'' to be rendered in the topicmap. 
     24* The Webclient supports **complex data models**, namely "Aggregated Composites". Such complex topic/association instances can be edited via Detail Panel (#337, #30). 
     25* The **Apache Felix Gogo Shell** is included. That enables you to e.g. start and stop !DeepaMehta plugins, and even install new plugins without restarting !DeepaMehta. 
    2727GUI improvements: 
    5454        * The `CompositeValue`'s manipulator methods (`set()`, `setRef()`, `remove()`) extend the passed `Directives` (by a UPDATE_TOPIC resp. UPDATE_ASSOCIATION directive) (#576). 
    5555        * Core API `Type` interface: `setDataTypeUri()` and `setLabelConfig()` take a `directives` parameter (#576). 
    56     * The !DeepaMehta Core thoroughly uses `Lists` instead of `Sets`. One advantage is better performance (#559). 
    57     * Core API: there is a new model class: `de.deepamehta.core.model.TopicReferenceModel`: A reference to a topic, either by ID, or by URI (#574). 
    58     * Core API: `DeepaMehtaObject` has a method to fetch child topics selectively: `loadChildTopics()` (#522). This is particularly useful in conjunction with a Viewmodel Customizer (#505). 
     56    * Core API: 
     57        * The !DeepaMehta Core thoroughly uses `Lists` instead of `Sets`. One advantage is better performance (#559). 
     58        * New model class: `de.deepamehta.core.model.TopicReferenceModel`: A reference to a topic, either by ID, or by URI (#574). 
     59        * `DeepaMehtaObject` has a method to fetch child topics selectively: `loadChildTopics()` (#522). This is particularly useful in conjunction with a Viewmodel Customizer (#505). 
    5960    * Extended server-side Topicmaps API (#544). 
    6061    * Client-side: