9 | | Compatible with 2 new experimental plugins: |
10 | | * DM4 WebSockets: allows plugins to push messages and to react on messages |
| 9 | !DeepaMehta 4.2 is a maintenance release that fixes bugs and provides new facilities for plugin developers. Furthermore this release is compatible with 2 new plugins (optional install): **!WebSockets** provide plugin developers the basis for server push, and **D3.js Renderer** is an experimental plugin that demonstrates how the D3.js library can be utilized to render topicmaps. It features a SVG-based animated force layout for automatic topic positioning. D3.js is a !JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data (http://d3js.org/). |
| 10 | |
| 11 | You can update any !DeepaMehta 4.1.x installation (including 4.1). For installation and update instructions see the [[https://github.com/jri/deepamehta#readme|README]]. For plugin developers: see the COMPATIBILITY NOTES below. |
| 12 | |
| 13 | About the 4.2 version number: starting with this release we use a new versioning scheme in order to make more transparent to users and developers which plugin versions are compatible with which DM release. A plugin which is e.g. compatible with DM 4.2 is guaranteed run at least in all DM 4.2.x releases without changes. We also use a fixed naming scheme for plugin binary (.jar) files now (see #603). |
| 14 | |
| 15 | 2 new plugins (optional install): |
| 16 | * DM4 !WebSockets: allows plugins to push messages and to react on messages |