Changes between Version 90 and Version 91 of ReleaseNotes

18.02.2014 01:28:30 (11 years ago)

4.2 release notes, compatibility notes


  • ReleaseNotes

    v90 v91  
    77== ''upcoming'': DeepaMehta 4.2 == 
    9 !DeepaMehta 4.2 is a maintenance release that fixes bugs and provides new facilities for plugin developers. Furthermore this release is compatible with 2 new plugins (optional install): **!WebSockets** provide plugin developers the basis for server push, and **D3.js Renderer** is an experimental plugin that demonstrates how the D3.js library can be utilized to render topicmaps. It features a SVG-based animated force layout for automatic topic positioning. D3.js is a !JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data ( 
     9!DeepaMehta 4.2 is a maintenance release that brings bug fixes and additions to the Plugin Development Framework. New is a facility for **Custom Events**: plugins can define its own specific event types. Furthermore this release is compatible with 2 new plugins (optional install): **!WebSockets** provide plugin developers the basis for ''server push'', and the experimental **D3.js Renderer** plugin demonstrates how the D3.js library can be utilized for rendering topicmaps. It features a SVG-based animated force layout for automatic topic positioning. D3.js is a !JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data ( 
    1111You can update any !DeepaMehta 4.1.x installation (including 4.1). For installation and update instructions see the [[|README]]. For plugin developers: see the COMPATIBILITY NOTES below. 
    13 About the 4.2 version number: starting with this release we use a new versioning scheme in order to make more transparent to users and developers which plugin versions are compatible with which DM release. A plugin which is e.g. compatible with DM 4.2 is guaranteed run at least in all DM 4.2.x releases without changes. We also use a fixed naming scheme for plugin binary (.jar) files now (see #603). 
     13About the 4.2 version number: starting with this release we use a new versioning scheme in order to make more transparent to users and developers which plugins are compatible with which DM release. A plugin which is e.g. compatible with DM 4.2 is guaranteed run at least in all DM 4.2.x releases without changes. We also use a fixed naming scheme for the plugin binary (.jar) files now (see #603). 
    15152 new plugins (optional install): 
    16 * DM4 !WebSockets: allows plugins to push messages and to react on messages 
     16* !WebSockets: allows plugins to push messages and to react on messages\\ 
    18 * DM4 D3.js Renderer (experimental): a topicmap renderer based on D3/SVG that utilizes an animated force layout 
     18* D3.js Renderer (experimental): a topicmap renderer based on D3/SVG that utilizes an animated force layout\\ 
    3939Plugin Development Framework: 
    4040* Server-side: 
    41     * Custom Events: a plugin can define and fire custom events. Other plugins can implement listeners for these events (analogous to Core Event listeners) (#290). 
     41    * New feature: **Custom Events**. A plugin can define and fire custom events. Other plugins can implement listeners for these events (analogous to Core Event listeners) (#290). 
    4242    * Core API: `DeepaMehtaObject` provides a `loadChildTopics()` method to fetch child topics afterwards (#522). 
    4343    * 2 new RESTful Core Service methods (#607): 
    6060    * The Webclient's context menu code is reusable by 3rd-party Topicmap Renderers (#602). 
    6161    * The Topicmap plugin's `TopicmapViewmodel` class is reusable by 3rd-party webclients (#612). 
     63    * The Webclient's GUIToolkit has breaking API changes. If your plugin display dialog boxes (`dm4c.ui.dialog()`) it must be adapted. See comments in #583 and #610. 
    6365Further changes: