Version 12 (modified by JuergeN, 14 years ago) (diff) |
Important Notice:
+++ DeepaMehta is still under heavy development! +++ Do not use it in any productive and/or professional environment! Recently we will not provide any update mechanism for your data. So please keep in mind that all data you put into DeepaMeta now might not make it in any later version. Thank you very much for your understanding!
2011-08-02: DeepaMehta 4.0.2
This release fixes a bug ( There was an encoding issue with the binary distribution in a client/server setup. This is now fixed. No problems with umlauts anymore.
For installation and update instructions see the README:
2011-07-28: DeepaMehta 4.0.1
This release fixes a bug: when editing an association (e.g. retyping) the role types are not compromised (ticket #18).
Thanks Malte for reporting!
You can update a 4.0 installation while keeping your content.
However, a 4.0.1 clean install is recommended (see comments on ticket #18).
See the README for installation and update instructions:
Build/Update? from Source:
Furthermore, these 3rd party components are updated in 4.0.1:
- Jersey 1.5 -> 1.8
- Jettison 1.2 -> 1.3
- Neo4j Mehtagraph 0.7 -> 0.8
2011-07-24: DeepaMehta 4.0
Related to the 1st release candidate (4 days ago) there is just one Firefox-related bug fix.
Thanks Matthias for reporting!
Build from Source:
Further information in the README:
2011-07-20: DeepaMehta 4.0 RC1
This is the first release with the all-new property-less data model as recently described:>
The version planned as "DeepaMehta 3 v0.5" now become "DeepaMehta 4.0".
From now on DeepaMehta's version numbers follow the classic major.minor.bugfix schema.
Improvements for users:
- new type editor. All values are represented as reusable semantics-attached topics.
- new topic type "Resource" to collect web resources
- new icons
- bug fix in topicmap handling (when you have multiple topicmaps open)
- cleaner display, less clutter
The cleaner display is because not all the plugins (workspaces, time, access control, ...) are adapted to the new data model so far. So, for the moment there is not so much meta data displayed (timestamps, workspaces assignments, creator, modifier, ...).
Improvement for developers:
- New core service API. All the domain objects (Topic, Association, ...) are attached to the database. So, the developer must not care about DB-updates.
- Domain models (type definitions) provided by a plugin can be build upon the domain models provided by other plugins. The dependencies are handled by the framework.
Download the release:
Start as usual via the provided startscripts.
Build from Source:
For further information see the README:
If the browser shows 404 while this exception appears in the terminal ...
com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerException: No WebApplication provider is present
... then refresh the HTTP Jetty Bundle by typing "refresh 1" in the terminal (checkout the proper bundle ID before by using the "lb" command).
Thanks go to Jürgen and Danny who helped to organize this release!