97 | | || `value` || For a simple topic: Optional. Default value is an empty string. You can change the value later on though an update operation.\\\\For a complex topic: Do //not// specify a value. The value will be system-generated. || |
98 | | || `composite` || For a complex topic: Optional. Default composite is an empty object. You can change the composite later on though an update operation.\\\\For a simple topic: Do //not// specify a composite. || |
| 97 | || `value` || For a simple topic: Optional. Default value is an empty string. You can change the value later on through an update operation.\\\\For a complex topic: Do //not// specify a value. The value will be system-generated. || |
| 98 | || `composite` || For a complex topic: Optional. Default composite is an empty object. You can change the composite later on through an update operation.\\\\For a simple topic: Do //not// specify a composite. || |