Change History for RestApi

Version Date Author Comment
21 7 years jri Dropped JuergeN's note about the Java APIdocs as this page is about the …
20 10 years dgf update child fetching param
19 12 years JuergeN
18 13 years jri Adapt JSON formatting of "Topics by type" example to page style …
17 13 years jri Adapt "Topics by type" example to page conventions
16 13 years Malte introduced example of how to get all topic instances for one given …
15 13 years jri Creating a simple association type with a custom color
14 13 years jri Create an association type
13 13 years jri Get an association type
12 13 years jri Association Definition details
11 13 years jri Creating a complex topic type
10 13 years jri Create a topic type
9 13 years jri
8 13 years jri Details about topic creation
7 13 years jri Getting a topic type
6 13 years jri Getting all association type URIs
5 13 years jri Getting all topic type URIs
4 13 years jri Creating a simple topic
3 13 years jri Create topic
2 13 years jri Get topic by ID
1 13 years JuergeN