
Version 8 (modified by jri, 13 years ago) (diff)

Details about topic creation

DeepaMehta REST API

The DeepaMehta application service is accessible via a REST API.

About the REST API:

All requests return application/json data.

For requests that take data in the request body: The data is expected to be of type application/json as well. So, don’t forget to set the request’s Content-Type header accordingly. Otherwise an error is returned (as application/x-www-form-urlencoded is used as the default).

About the curl examples:

The curl examples are ready for being pasted into a terminal. However, the IDs must be adjusted to your actual DB content. Hint: to determine a topic's or association's ID click it in the webclient and read the console log.

In order to make the responses more readable the curl examples make use of the jsonpretty tool. Jsonpretty is installable as a Ruby gem. See


Get topic by ID

GET /core/topic/<topic ID>[?fetch_composite=true/false]

The default for fetch_composite is true.

Example 1: Getting a topic with its composite value

curl localhost:8080/core/topic/2676 | jsonpretty


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": 2676,
  "uri": "",
  "type_uri": "dm4.notes.note",
  "value": "What is DeepaMehta?",
  "composite": {
    "dm4.notes.title": "What is DeepaMehta?",
    "dm4.notes.text": "<p>DeepaMehta is a think tool.</p>"

For details about the topic format see DataFormat#Topic.

Example 2: Getting a topic without its composite value

curl localhost:8080/core/topic/55?fetch_composite=false | jsonpretty


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": 2676,
  "uri": "",
  "type_uri": "dm4.notes.note",
  "value": "What is DeepaMehta?",
  "composite": {

If the topic doesn’t exist an error 500 Retrieving topic xy failed is returned. (The error response might become more HTTP/REST conform in the furure.)

Create topic

POST /core/topic

<the topic to create>

For details about the topic format see DataFormat#Topic.

For a create operation not all properties are involved:

Property Mandatory / Optional
id Do not provide an ID. The ID will be system-generated.
uri Optional. Default URI is an empty string.
type_uri Mandatory.
value For a simple topic: Optional. Default value is an empty string. You can change the value later on though an update operation.

For a complex topic: Do not specify a value. The value will be system-generated.
composite For a complex topic: Optional. Default composite is an empty object. You can change the composite later on though an update operation.

For a simple topic: Do not specify a composite.

Example 1: Creating a simple topic

curl localhost:8080/core/topic -i \
-H Content-Type:application/json \
-d '{type_uri: "", value: "Port-au-Prince"}' \
| jsonpretty


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": 3448,
  "uri": "",
  "type_uri": "",
  "value": "Port-au-Prince",
  "composite": {

Example 2: Creating a complex topic

curl localhost:8080/core/topic -i \
-H Content-Type:application/json \
-d '{type_uri: "dm4.notes.note",
     composite: {
       dm4.notes.title: "My title",
       dm4.notes.text: "<p>My test text here<p>"}}' \
| jsonpretty


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": 3298,
  "uri": "",
  "type_uri": "dm4.notes.note",
  "value": "My title",
  "composite": {
    "dm4.notes.title": "My title",
    "dm4.notes.text":"<p>My test text here<p>"


Topic Types

Getting all topic type URIs

GET /core/topictype


curl localhost:8080/core/topictype -i | jsonpretty


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Getting a topic type

GET /core/topictype/<Topic Type URI>


curl localhost:8080/core/topictype/dm4.webbrowser.webpage -i | jsonpretty


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": 1008,
  "uri": "dm4.webbrowser.webpage",
  "type_uri": "dm4.core.topic_type",
  "value": "Webpage",
  "composite": {
  "data_type_uri": "dm4.core.composite",
  "index_mode_uris": [

  "assoc_defs": [
      "id": 1013,
      "uri": "dm4.webbrowser.url",
      "assoc_type_uri": "dm4.core.aggregation_def",
      "whole_topic_type_uri": "dm4.webbrowser.webpage",
      "whole_role_type_uri": "dm4.core.whole",
      "whole_cardinality_uri": "",
      "part_topic_type_uri": "dm4.webbrowser.url",
      "part_role_type_uri": "dm4.core.part",
      "part_cardinality_uri": "",
      "view_config_topics": [

  "view_config_topics": [
      "id": 1025,
      "uri": "",
      "type_uri": "dm4.webclient.view_config",
      "value": "WebpageRenderer",
      "composite": {
        "dm4.webclient.js_page_renderer_class": "WebpageRenderer"

For details about the topic type format see DataFormat#TopicType.

Association Types

Getting all association type URIs

GET /core/assoctype


curl localhost:8080/core/assoctype -i | jsonpretty


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


