5 | | You can of course run DeepaMehta on your computer by simply starting the shell script ''deepamehta-linux.sh'' in a terminal session. But maybe you want to "daemonize" the server and run it in the background. This setup is especially recommended if you want to run DeepaMehta on a server. |
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| 5 | You can of course run DeepaMehta on your computer by simply starting the shell script ''deepamehta-linux.sh'' in a terminal session. But maybe you want to "daemonize" the server and run it in the background. This setup is especially recommended if you want to run DeepaMehta on a server. |
| 6 | |
| 7 | '''There is a .deb-package provided by Silke Meyer which you can download and install from [[https://launchpad.net/~sil-ke/+archive/deepamehta|launchpad.net]]'''. This is the easiest installation for all !Debian/Ubuntu users. If you are looking for a manual installation instruction, just follow this manual. |