Version 28 (modified by jri, 13 years ago) (diff) |
Welcome to the DeepaMehta Community Trac
DeepaMehta is a platform for collaboration and knowledge management.
The goal of DeepaMehta is to provide knowledge workers an cognitively adequate work environment, right after booting.
The vision of DeepaMehta is a Post-Desktop Metaphor user interface that abolishes applications, windows, files and folders in the favor of stable views of contextual content. We love the idea of providing the user a cognitive home.
DeepaMehta is a Think Tool.
Technically DeepaMehta is a Java/OSGi based Inversion-of-Control container for running plugins and a HTML5/JavaScript webclient which are communicating via a REST API. You as a plugin developer can provide data models, application logic, services, or presentation logic. Or you can develop a complete new client interface in the language of your choice.
The project's website:
Please note:
+++ DeepaMehta is still under heavy development! +++ Do not use it in any productive and/or professional environment! Currently we can not provide an update mechanism for your data. Data you put into the current version of DeepaMehta might not be usable in a later version of DeepaMehta. Please keep this in mind when using this software. Thank you for your understanding!
Your DeepaMehta Team
+++ 2011-08-22: DeepaMehta 4.0.3 released - See the Release Notes +++
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