Version 1 (modified by Malte, 11 years ago) (diff) |
Plugin Documentation
The DeepaMehta 4 Wikidata Plugin enables you to search, explore and map the "shared structures of meaning" (Janet Murray, New Media Reader, 2003) of wikidata-communities from all around the globe.
In particular this plugin currently enables you to build on wikidata in your personal information work through:
- Search Wikidata Items and Properties
- Turn any "Wikidata Search Result Entity" of type "property" into a DeepaMehta AssocationType?
- "Check claims" of any "Item" and thus navigate through wikidata along "properties" and "items"
Why I find it interesting to connect Wikidata and DeepaMehta folks is, because I think we share some points-of-view. Especially:
- The success of Wikidata is not measured by the amount of data it stores, but by the creation of a healthy community and its usefulness for Wikipedia and other applications.
- Wikidata will not be about the truth, but about statements and their references. These can be contradictory.
- Wikidata is a socio-technical system. Instead of trying to be overly intelligent, we rely on the Wikimedia communities.
- Let's be pragmatic. Finished is better than perfect.
- Wikidata will provide a lot of data that can support research. We want to ensure that it is easily usable.
- Wikidata will provide an API interface to create alternative UIs which are more intelligent than the standard Wikidata one.
Wider goal:
To enable users and researchers from both communities.
- Enable users of DeepaMehta to add a "Statement" about entities in wikidata.
- Enable systematic exploration of the languages spoken by the wikidata communities.
- Enabling users of DM to re-use global entities, e.g. the city of "Berlin" (or other obvious global entities alike) instead of creating them manually in every installation over and over again.
Goal 1 Details
Some references to the WD-Documentation:
Statements consist of a claim and a (special, multi-value) source-reference snak, and a rank.
Source-Reference is a (special) snak of statements, with a reference record as a data type.
Each Source-Reference is a ordered list of snaks, e.g. book (a reference to an item) and page (a number)
Goal 2 Details
See Plugin Version 0.2 and details of Goal 3
Goal 3 Details
See Query-API at resp. wait for the upcoming Query API
Release Notes
- Adding "Check claims" to navigate along "items" and "properties" through WD
- Addded "item" search
- Added search-type icons
- Added powered by Wikidata Logo
0.1, Feb 28, 2014
- Property Search
Source Code and Issue Tracker
The source code repository is
Please report any problems, feature requests and issues you have directly at the projects issue tracker
Contributions =
Thanks to JuergeN, Jri, Silke and the whole WD-Team for your support in research and thinking about this out loud.
(181.2 KB) -
added by Malte 11 years ago.
Search with WD Plugin
(193.8 KB) -
added by Malte 11 years ago.
Multilingual Search with WD Plugin (German)
(99.6 KB) -
added by Malte 11 years ago.
Multilingual Search with WD Plugin (Spanish)
(223.0 KB) -
added by Malte 11 years ago.
Data Model Visualization of the DeepaMehta 4 Wikidata Plugin