Version 5 (modified by dgf, 13 years ago) (diff) |
Danny Gräf
bottlenecks, todos, changes, ...
- blueprints API compatible mehtagraph
- multi tenancy (brain)
- database independent
- large data sets (titan <-> casandra|hbase)
- remote graph access, especially in test evironment
- websocket support (OSGi <-> ActiveMQ <-> camel <-> stomp <->
- webclient
- inline editor (ace)
- field, page and map renderer
- client interaction (repl)
- map and top live collaboration (needs websocket)
- spreedsheet renderer (include dm4-webclient prototype)
- navigation and routing support (sammy)
- association type editor and customizable renderer
- svg map renderer
- browser interaction
- styling a unique topic
- mini- and uglify (require amd)
- inline editor (ace)
(37.2 KB) -
added by Christiane 12 years ago.
DMX architecture